Wednesday 29 October 2014

What the Leaders Say - Part One

Reading Between the Lines - part 1 

Grant Robertson, Nanaia Mahuta, Andrew Little and David Parker

In recent weeks the Labour Party Leadership Candidates have sent emails to all party members, asking for their support in the leadership race. David Parker, Andrew Little, Nanaia Mahuta and Grant Robertson outlined their views on issues facing Labour and how they would address these issues if they were elected leader.

In order to make an informed decision I have looked at the information included in their emails and grouped it into five headings:
  • Why are they standing for leader
  • What does the Labour Party mean to them
  • What experience do they have
  • What are the issues facing the Labour Party 
  • How would they address the issues facing the Labour Party.

I will post a series of blogs presenting the information. 

Here is what they had to say on why they are standing for leader.

Why are they standing for Leader?

David Parker   
I am standing because I want to lead Labour forward to once again share the hopes and aspirations of working New Zealanders - to lead a party we can all be proud of and one New Zealanders will be proud to vote for.

Andrew Little 
People have asked me why I'm standing. I'm standing because I believe in Labour's values. I believe in fairness and justice for workers, for families, for all New Zealanders. 

People aren't getting a fair go right now and I won't tolerate a society in which the very few at the top gain at the expense of the many.

I won't tolerate a society in which good jobs are destroyed and replaced with insecure work in which people in the middle are squeezed tighter and tighter by the cost of living and have no way to get ahead. A society in which those at the bottom fall of the edge of the cliff.

These are the principles I have stood for throughout my life and they have been at the core of how I have led. They are the principles that the Labour Party embodies.

Nanaia Mahuta
I am ready to lead a Labour Party that cares about the state of our environment, wants economic opportunity to benefit more people, supports opportunity and innovation, and helps hardworking people to get ahead.

Grant Robertson
Grant didn't specifically outline reasons why he is standing for Labour Leader.

As you would expect from the future Labour leader, there is a strong focus on equity for workers and working New Zealanders. David Parker's statement is succinct but as a potential leader, lacks the heart I need to connect with him.

Andrew Little spends the most time of the four candidates giving his reason for standing as leader. He combines passion with a personal touch that comes across as genuine and heartfelt. He has strong beliefs which are non negotiable, he sounds like a leader. 

Nanaia Mahuta focuses on people, the economy and the environment but she doesn't connect with me in the same way as Andrew Little does. 

Although Grant Robertson didn't explicitly state why he was standing for the role of leader, we will hear from him in future blogs.

My next blog post will examine what Labour means to them.


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